Online Training Programme on Records Management

The National Archives has arranged an online training programme for all public authorities on the preparation of records retention/disposal regulations and maintenance of record rooms.

Why should you attend this training?

As essential sources of information and evidence, the existence of archives and records records the actions, policies, and decisions of public authorities. Proper management of records in public authorities to provide authentic, reliable, complete, and usable evidence is directly related to the vision of the National Archives.

Public authorities face a problem of accessing information, as records cannot be properly managed without systematic document disposal practices. Under Section 16 of the National Archives Law No. 48 of 1973, regulations must be made for the preservation of public records in state institutions, destruction of valueless public records of state institutions, and permanent preservation of archives in the National Archives. Accordingly, the main aims of this training programme are to provide advice on the preparation of retention/disposal regulations for records specific to public authorities and how to systematically maintain the record room in a public authority.

Session 1: Preparation of Regulations for Retention/Disposal

Date options: 2025.02.21, 2025.03.21, 2025.04.24

Time: 1000 – 1130

Session 2: Maintaining Your Record Room

Date options: 2025.02.21, 2025.03.21, 2025.04.24

Time: 0130 – 0300

Language of instruction: Sinhala

For whom: executive-level officials, including the head of the public authority, and staff-grade officers who are directly involved in records management. Arrangements should be made to provide internet facilities to the participating officers so that continuous communication can be ensured.

Registration: Please contact National Archives Assistant Director Ms. Dilini Liyanage (071-0882688) or Senior Archivist (Actg.) Mr. Bimal Abeysekara (077-9088150).

Department of National Archives Sri Lanka

Department of
National Archives
Sri Lanka

Last Modified: 2024-12-02 10:02:20~ Server Time: 2025-02-14 00:13:51