Department of National Archives Sri Lanka
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- Our Catalogues
- Catlogue PDF
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- Index Of Films
- Records Management in Public Authorities
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- Managing Records
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- Order translations or transcriptions
- Works related to Dutch thombos
- Open House at the Sri Lanka National Archives
- About Us
- Right to Information
- Committed to preserve the memory of the nation
Right to Information Commission
Records Management
- Guidelines for preparation of schedules for disposal of agency-specific records
- Guidelines for maintaining a Records Room
- Guidelines for digitization of documents
- Guidelines for protect Library Materials
- Guidelines for Preservation of Palmleaf Manuscripts
Kandy Branch
Memory of the World Register
Apply for your extract
- Application for extracts from Service Tenures / Praveni Pangu Records
- Application for extracts from Grain Tax Registers
- Application for extracts from Crown Grants
- Application for extracts from Electoral Registers
- Application for translations / extracts from Thombo
- Application for extracts from Vihara and Devala land records
- Application for extracts from Govt. Gazzets
Online Exhibits
Path To Freedom
- 1815 Convention
- D'Oyly, The Strategist
- Freedom Struggle, 1818
- The First Reforms, 1833
- Freedom Struggle, 1848
- Introducing the elective principle
- Hundred Days of Terror
- Diary note by Anagarika Dharmapala
- Ceylon National Congress
- Labour movement
- Donoughmore Commission, 1931
- Bracegirdle Case
- Suriyamal Movement
- Dominion Status
- Becoming a republic
Our Legislation
- National Archives (Amendment) Act, No. 30 of 1981
- National Archives (Amendment) Act, No. 48 of 1973
- Relating To Allowing Public Access To Government Documents Gazette 1980.02.01
- Relating To Permanent Preservation, Periodic Review And Destruction Of Sri Lankan Judicial Court Records Gazette 1979.01.26
Our Publications
Join us
- Supervisory Management Assistant in the Department of National Archives
- Supervising Management Assistant Technician - Senior Grade in the Department of National Archives
- Supervising Management Assistant Non-Technical Category II in the Department of National Archives
- Recruitment Procedure for Associate Officer Service Category (MN4) of National Archives Department
- Promotion Procedure for Field/Clerical Officer Category I of the National Archives Department
- Recruitment Procedure for Management Assistant Super Class Non-Technical Service Category of National Archives Department
- Recruitment Procedure for Primary Non-Technical Service Category of National Archives Department
- Recruitment Procedure for Executive Service Category of National Archives Department
- Archival Conservator Training Grade, Audio Visual Records Conservator Training Grade and Archival Reprographer Training Grade
- Conservation Officers of the Sri Lanka Technical Service
Performance Reports
Ongoing Projects
- Digitization of Times Collection
- Digitization of Voters Registers
- Government of the Netherlands - MCH (Mutual Cultural Heritage)
Completed Projects
- Restitution of Artefacts: Closing a Chapter or Opening a New One? Gunay Uslu 29 08 2023
- Why do #ArchivesMatter? Dr. Nadeera Rupesinghe
- Who is the Sri Lankan Archivist? Nigel Nugawela
- Reflections on Oral Histories as Praxis _ Dr. Tanuja Thurairajah
- The circulation and value of the National Archives
- National Archives and Right to Information
Notice Board
- ආණ්ඩුකාර මණ්දිරයෙන් ජනාධිපති මණ්දිරයට
- ලේකම්මිටි විමර්ශනය
- ලංකා ජාතික සංගමයේ ලිපි ලේඛන I
- ලංකා ජාතික සංගමයේ ලිපි ලේඛන II
- ඩී.එස්. සේනානායක
- මාතර රේල්වේ
- Alphabetical Index to the register of Marriages at the reformed church at Volvendaal Colombo -1709-1936 A.D.
- Memoir of Daniel Overbeek
- Digest of resolutions of the Dutch Political Council Colombo 1644-1796
- The Dutch and Sinhalese Dictionary
- Reflection of History
- Memoir of Librecht Hooremen
- The Sri Lanka Archives III
- The Sri Lanka Archives IV
- Travel Diary of ISAAC AUGUSTIN RUMPF The Dutch Governor of Ceylon (1716 - 1723)
- From Governor's Residence to President's House
Training Programmes
- One day courses for Administration of Government Records and Archival law
- Five day courses for Records Management and Presevation
- Training courses on book binding
- Records Management course for Sri Lankan Army